1. 儿童早期发展
2. 围产期妇女心理行为
1. 儿童早期发展数据库建设及其应用研究(国家社科基金重大项目/子课题)
2. 新型冠状病毒肺炎孕产妇救治和母婴传播风险及防控策略研究(中国工程院/孕产妇及子代随访子课题)
3. 儿童早期发展国际理论经验和政策体系研究(国务院发展研究中心/联合国儿童基金会子课题)
4. 中国脑疾病人群队列协同研究(脑科学与类脑研究北方科学中心/北京市科委,项目骨干)
5. 农村留守儿童健康状况研究(卫计委/联合国儿童基金会)
6. 复杂性双胎减胎治疗效果及存活新生儿神经行为发育评价的随访研究(99905银河官方网创新平台发展基金“医+X” )
7. 儿童早期综合干预评估(卫计委/联合国儿童基金会)
8. 缅甸佤邦、四特区和克钦妇幼卫生项目评估(英国无国界卫生组织)
1、Huifeng shi Huifeng,Xiaoli Gong,Yuanyuan Wang,Yajing Gao,Jingxu Zhang,Chunxia Zhao,Xiaona Huang,Yangyu Zhao,Xiaoli Wang. Parental migration, nurturing care, and early social-emotional development of children in rural China[J]. Early Childhood Research Quarterly,2021,57:40-50.
2、 Wu T, Gong X, Zhao Y, Zhang L, You Y, Wei H, Zuo X, Zhou Y, Xing X, Meng Z, Lv Q, Liu Z, Zhang J, Hu L, Li J, Li L, Chen C, Liu C, Sun G, Liu A, Chen J, Lv Y, Wang X, Wei Y. Fetal growth velocity references from a Chinese population–based fetal growth study[J]. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2021,21 (1):688.
3、Wu T, Jia X, Shi H, Niu J, Yin X, Xie J, Wang X. Prevalence of mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Affect Disord, 2021,281:91-98.
4、T Wu,J Niu,X Yin,C Zhao,X Huang,X Wang. China's antenatal care promoting early childhood development: evidence from a cross‐sectional survey. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, doi: 10.1111/nyas.14559,2021:1-12.
5、 Huifeng Shi, Xuejun Li, Hai Fang, Jingxu Zhang, Xiaoli Wang. The Effectiveness and Cost-effectiveness of a Parenting Intervention Integrated within Primary Health Care on Early Childhood Development: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial[J]. Prevention Science, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s11121-020-01126-2.
6、Suizan Zhou, Chunxia Zhao, Xiaona Huang, Zhiwen Li, Rongwei Ye, Huifeng Shi1, Qi Zhao, Ye Zhou, Xuefeng Chen, Margo O’Sullivan, Ron Pouwels, Kathryn Martin, Jingxu Zhang1 , Xiaoli Wang , Robert W. Scherpbier. The effect of a community-based, integrated nurturing care intervention on early childhood development in rural China. Public Health,2019(167):125-135.
7、Wei Q, Zhang C, Zhang J, Luo S, Wang X. Caregiver’s depressive symptoms and young children’s socioemotional development delays: a cross-sectional study in poor rural areas of China. Infant Ment Health J. 2018, 39(2):209-219.
8、高雅静, 赵春霞, 张敬旭, 王晓莉. 父母外出务工对0~3岁留守儿童早期发展的影响. 中国生育健康杂志, 2018, 29(4):301-306.
9、石慧峰,张敬旭,王晓莉,徐媛媛,董胜利,赵春霞, 黄小娜, 赵颀, 陈学锋, 周晔, Margo O’Sullivan Ron Pouwels Robert W. Scherpbier. 儿童早期发展综合干预策略对改善贫困农村地区0~35月龄儿童养育照护的效果研究. 中华儿科杂志, 2018, 56(2):110-115.
10、石慧峰,张敬旭,张嵘,王晓莉.中国0~6岁儿童孤独症谱系障碍患病率的meta分析. 99905银河官方网学报(医学版),2017,49(5):798-806.